Current issue


 Introductonary Remarks — 7 (Rus.)

A Problem in Focus: To the 20th Anniversary of the Department of Museum Work and Protection of Monuments at the Saint-Petersburg State University

Piotrovsky M.B. Study and Science in the Museum Space (20 Years Later) — 9 (Rus.)

Piotrovsky, Mikhail Borisovich — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of museum work and protection of monuments at the Saint Petersburg State University, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Arts, President of the Union of Museums of Russia, General Director of the State Hermitage Museum, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg,

The article is devoted to the scientific and educational activities of the Department of Museum Work and Protection of Monuments, the Institute of Philosophy of the Saint Petersburg State University, the results of which are reflected in the contents of conference collections, reference and educational publications, monographs of the teachers of the Department. During the 20 years of its existence, the research team of the Department focused on topical issues of modern museology, the philosophy of museum, presentation of modern and classical art in the museum, interaction of the museum and the church in the preservation of religious and cultural values, actualization of cultural heritage, and many others.
Key words: museum, university, education, scientific publications of the Department of museum work and protection of monuments of the Institute of Philosophy, the Saint Petersburg State University.

Biryukova M.V. Scientific Events of the Department of Museum Work and Protection of Monuments in the Context of the Educational Process at the SPSU  17 (Rus.)

Biryukova, Marina Valerievna — Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,

The article discusses the scientific activities of the Department of Museum Work and Protection of Monuments of the Saint Petersburg State University, dedicated to various problems of museum management, protection of cultural heritage, theoretical museology, problems of cultural memory, evaluation of contemporary art in the context of the museum, exhibition and educational activities of the museum. The latter aspect is most closely connected with the direct activities of the department, since its link with the museum allows to saturate training courses with relevant museum content. The problems of scientific discussions and presentation of research materials at the department’s events are considered in their connection with the content of lecture courses for bachelors and masters of the Saint Petersburg State University.

Key words: museum, university, education, conferences of the Department of museum work and protection of monuments of the Institute of Philosophy, the Saint Petersburg State University.

Nikonova A.A., Lyubeznikov O.A. Interdisciplinary Practice as the Basis of Professional Training of Museum Specialists: Experience of the Department of Museum Work and Protection of Monuments of SPbSU  31 (Rus.)

Nikonova, Antonina Alexandrovna — Candidate of Science in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of Educational Program “Museology and Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites”, Head of the Museum-Architectural Clinic, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg,;

Lyubeznikov, Oleg Anatolievich — Candidate of Science in History, Associate Professor, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,

The article discusses the experience of the Department of Museum Work and Protection of Monuments of St. Petersburg State University in organizing various forms of interdisciplinary practices for students. Museology students who will work in museums should, even during their studies, gain the most complete understanding of the specifics of practical museum work, the standards of professional ethics, and the peculiarities of interaction between specialists of various profiles within museum teams. The interdisciplinary nature of practice during the professional training of a museologist makes it possible to facilitate the process of subsequent adaptation to the difficulties of working in a museum as an institution that brings together a wide range of specialists. The Museum-Architectural Clinic, organized at St. Petersburg State University, as a special form of practice, reflecting the scientific and pedagogical experience of the Department of Museum Work and Protection of Monuments and the Department of Design, introduces students to both the principles of research work and other areas of museum activity.                                                                                                           Key words: museum-architectural clinic, practice, museology, museology, museum.

Kleshchevnikov Y.A. The Architectural Ensemble of Leningrad University during the Years of the Siege: Preservation, Use, Restoration — 39 (Rus.)

Kleshchevnikov, Yan Alexandrovich—student of the bachelor program Museology and
Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,

The scientific supervisor—O.A. Lyubeznikov, Candidate of Science in History, Associate Professor of the Department of museum work and protection of monuments at the Saint Petersburg State University

The history of the buildings of St. Petersburg University is of great interest for research. The main purpose of the work is to reconstruct the history of the architectural ensemble of Leningrad University during the years of the siege and its subsequent restoration. The source base of the work was, first of all, sources of personal origin — epistolary sources, memoirs and diaries of the university students who survived the siege of Leningrad, participants of the Great Patriotic War. The historiographical basis of the research was publications on the history of the university in the 1940s– 2010s. The sources and historiography attracted by the author make it possible to reconstruct the history of Leningrad University buildings during the siege, mainly the Main Building of the university and the building on the Mendeleevskaya line, 5. The materials used in the work make it possible to consistently consider the preparation of buildings for war, their adaptation to military needs, preservation and conservation of buildings during the siege, restoration of buildings before the end of the war and in the post-war period.        Key words: Leningrad University, history of buildings, siege.


Nikonova A.A. The Exhibition Project — History in the Archived Documents — 50 (Rus.)

Nikonova, Antonina Alexandrovna — Candidate of Science in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of Educational Program “Museology and Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites”, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,

The article is devoted to the analysis of the exhibition of the State Hermitage Museum “The Ancient past of the Leningrad region”, which was opened in 1956. The exhibition project became a notable phenomenon in the history of the Hermitage and was discussed at a meeting of the Department of Primitive Culture in 1957 with the participation of specialists from museums and research institutes and universities of Leningrad. One of the authors of the exhibition was the archaeologist A.D. Stolyar, who left detailed memories of the process of creating the exhibition. There were new methods of displaying archaeological material used for the first time at that exhibition. The results of the exhibition project immediately received their coverage in the publications of the authors of the project. The concept of the exhibition, its implementation, and publications in the scientific literature are an exceptional source on the history of museology. These materials are supplemented by the “Protocol № 1 of the joint scientific meeting of the Department of the History of Primitive Culture and the Paleolithic Section of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of History of Material Culture”, which is preserved in the Hermitage archives. The article analyzes the transcript of the meeting and highlights the main scientific and methodological issues discussed at the meeting. The uniqueness of the document under consideration lies in the fact that important theoretical issues of exhibition design were formulated, which required further research in the representation of archaeological material.                  Key words: museum, archaeological complex, exhibition, exposition, concept, method of exposure, exhibit, authenticity, the State Hermitage, A.D. Stolyar.

Mikhailova A.A. The Cultural Heritage of the Caucasus in the Exhibition Activity of the Hermitage Museum in 1880s–1920s — 67 (Rus.)

Mikhailova Arina Alekseevna — Master of Museology, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,

The State Hermitage Museum is a universal museum in which the cultural heritage of the Caucasus is represented quite widely: the halls of culture and art of Urartu, Armenia and Georgia, Azerbaijan and Dagestan are open, archaeological finds from different regions of the North and South Caucasus, as well as Caucasian weapons are exhibited. In the 21 century, the cultural heritage of the Caucasus was presented at more than 20 different exhibitions of the museum. However, the practice of exhibiting Caucasian monuments in the Hermitage has a long history, which began at the end of the 19 century. This article examines the early stage of the presentation of the cultural heritage of the Caucasus at the expositions and temporary exhibitions of the Hermitage museum, which occurred in the 1880s–1920s. On the basis of literature on the history of the museum and published sources (branch indexes, booklets for temporary exhibitions, guides to the Hermitage, maps and plans of the museum, as well as photographs of expositions and exhibitions of the XIX–XX centuries), the features of exhibiting Caucasian monuments at permanent expositions (1888, 1925) and temporary exhibitions (1922, 1923) are described. The article notes the transition from the presentation of the cultural heritage of the Caucasus at the pre-revolutionary “artistic” expositions of the Hermitage to the expositions of the 1920s, in which the systematization of objects by materials and techniques, and further on the territorial principle was the main criterion for the allocation of large exposition complexes.

Key words: Hermitage, Caucasus, exhibition activity.

Paderina E.V. The Influence of M. Foucault’s Legacy on Theoretical Museology 80 (Rus.)

Paderina, Elena Vitalievna—Bachelor of Museology, methodist, Excursion and Methodic Department, Kirov Central Park of Culture and Recreation, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,

The article describes the influence of the ideas of one of the greatest philosophers of the XX century M. Foucault on the museological research. The author refers to a number of works by M. Foucault («The Order of Discourse», «The Archaeology of Knowledge», «The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences», «Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison») and reveals the essence of such methods and concepts of the philosopher as the archaeology of knowledge, the genealogy of power, the discourse, “power-knowledge relations”, episteme and disciplinary society. The author traces their use in museological research, demonstrates how museologists rely on the legacy of M. Foucault, analyzing the discourse of heritage, heritage preservation practices and the museum history. The article examines the works of representatives of critical heritage studies, in particular, Laurajane Smith, monographs of museologists Eilean Hooper-Greenhill and Tony Bennett, draws attention to the general critical orientation of these works, which, according to the author, is due, among other things, to the influence of M. Foucault’s philosophy. As a result, the prospects of such an interdisciplinary approach to museological research based on philosophical concepts are noted.
Key words: M. Foucault, philosophy, theoretical museology, critical heritage studies, E. Hooper-Greenhill, T. Bennett.


  Kharchenko D.I. To the History of Museumification of the Peter and Paul Fortress (1920s –mid–1930s) — 92 (Rus.)

Kharchenko, Diana Igorevna — student of the bachelor program “Museology and conservation of cultural and natural heritage sites”, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg,

The scientific supervisor — O.A. Lyubeznikov, Candidate of Science in History, Associate Professor of the Department of museum work and protection of monuments at the Saint Petersburg State University.

The article is dedicated to the history of the foundation and development of the museum located on the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress, specifically in the 1920s—mid—1930s. By the beginning of the 20th century, different thoughts about the ensemble had been reflected in printed publications. All of them influenced the section of the museum in the future. Prisoners’ memories of an ominous place for those persecuted by the autocracy are combined with reverent attitude towards significant objects of the landmark in travel guides, but the first vision resonates more with the author for museum development in the post-revolutionary period. Museumification on the territory of Hare (‘Zayachy’) island was carried out gradually. In fact, two key buildings were involved: Peter and Paul Cathedral and Trubetskoy bastion. The article highlighted the role of the first museum workers—custodian-architect of the Peter and Paul Cathedral: Olga Mikhailovna Ravitskaya, and museum chief since the late 1920s: Alexandra Timofeevna Shakol. Unfortunately, their names are rarely mentioned in literature related to this topic and their contribution has been little studied. Based on historiography and unpublished documents from Central State Archive of St. Petersburg and Central State Archive of Literature and Arts of St. Petersburg, the author reconstructs the process of museumification of the Peter and Paul Fortress in 1920s—mid—1930s and concludes that in the early Soviet period, supervision over the monuments of the ensemble, which became museum objects, was carried out mainly by three organizations: Leningrad branch of the main directorate of scientific and scientific-artistic institutions under the People’s Commissariat for Education, Leningrad Museum of Revolution and Leningrad branch of the Society of Former Political Prisoners and Exiled Settlers. For the first time the role of the Leningrad branch of the Society of Former Political Prisoners and Exiled Settlers in the work of the museum in the 1930s is described in detail.
Key words: Peter and Paul Fortress, museumification, Glavnauka, Museum of Revolution, branch of the Society of Former Political Prisoners and Exiled Settlers, Peter and Paul Cathedral, Trubetskoy bastion, O.M. Ravitskaya.

Turkin A.I. Postcard from the Family’s Archive as a Comprehensive Carrier of Information about the Past — 110 (Rus.)

Turkin, Alexander Ilich — student of the bachelor program “Museology and conservation of cultural and natural heritage sites”, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg,

The scientific supervisor — A.A. Nikonova, Candidate of Science in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of museum work and protection of monuments at the Saint Petersburg State University.

The article is concerned with the problem of considering a postcard as a complex carrier of historical, cultural, linguistic and other information about the past. The history of the postcard, in particular the Russian postcard, is briefly outlined. Using the example of two postcards from a personal archive, the typographic elements of a postcard from the early 20th century are analyzed. and the details of their printing design, attention is paid to the postage stamp as a source of information on history and culture, the handwritten text is deciphered and interpreted in order to understand the historical events of the early 20th century in the Russian Empire. Postcards from personal archives are valuable research material. With growing interest in the fate of ordinary people and their daily lives, the importance of such sources for historical research is increasing.
Key words: postcard, open letter, art postcard, specific photo postcard, attribution, visual image, historical source, epistolary communication, interpretation, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire, gymnasium, women’s courses.


  Svetlova E.A. V.K. Makarov and the Idea of Creating a Museum of the Peter the Great Era in Peterhof — 120 (Rus.)

Svetlova, Ekaterina Andreevna — Bachelor of Museology, Master of History, Researcher at the Russian Ethnographic Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia,

The article discusses the idea of creating a museum of the Peter the Great era in the restored after the Great Patriotic War and the occupation of the Grand Palace in Peterhof. The inspiration for this idea was Vladimir Kuzmich Makarov, who was a museum specialist with extensive experience. Based on the stored in the Manuscripts Department in the Russian National Library diary of V.K. Makarov, which he kept during the war, as well as on the shorthand report of a scientific and practical conference on the restoration of suburban palaces, one can get the most complete picture of this idea. Suggested by V.K. Makarov’s project for organizing a museum of the Peter the Great era, having raised the issue of redistribution of museum collections, did not meet with unanimous support from the museum community.
Key words: V. K. Makarov, The Peterhof Palace, the Museum of the Peter the Great era, the Great Patriotic War, restoration of Leningrad suburbs.

Romanov N.A., Dvoinikova P.A. Military Gravesof St. Petersburg as Cultural Heritage: On the Issue of State Accounting — 131 (Rus.)

Romanov, Nikita Aleksandrovich — candidate of cultural studies, head of the department for organizing state registration of military graves of the St. Petersburg state budgetary institution “Center for Patriotic Education of Youth “Dzerzhinets”, St. Petersburg, Russia,;

Dvoinikova, Polina Alekseevna — a specialist in maintaining the register of military graves of the department on the organization of state registration of military graves of the St. Petersburg state budgetary institution “Center for Patriotic Education of Youth “Dzerzhinets”, St. Petersburg, Russia,

The authors of the article draw attention to the importance of state registration of military graves in St. Petersburg as one of the mechanisms of preserving of cultural heritage. They analyzed the main stages of the formation of a complex of military graves on the territory of St. Petersburg which reflect a change in attitude to the burial sites of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland in different historical periods. It is argued that the state registration of military graves plays an important role in the protection and preservation of historical heritage, allows for new scientific research, and preserves and transmits the memory of historical events to future generations. The authors also pay attention to the monumental and architectural aspects of the creation of memorial complexes on the territory of military graves in St. Petersburg. It is noted the importance of representing reliable and correct information about military graves in the modern media space, which increasingly acts as the main source of acquaintance for users of digital technologies with the world. The article indicates the main prospects for the development of state registration of military graves as one of the ways to preserve cultural heritage. It is concluded that state accounting is one of the tools for preserving historically significant burials and tombstones that currently do not have the official status of a cultural heritage site.
Key words: military burial, cultural heritage, cultural memory, state accounting, media space.


Golovin R.E., Dvorko A.V., Shuper O.O. Curatorial Debate: Experiment vs Algorithm of Museum Design — 141 (Rus.)

Golovin, Roman Evgenievich — Student of Master Programme, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg,;

The scientific supervisor — O.V. Bezzubova, Candidate of Science in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of museum work and protection of monuments at the Saint Petersburg State University;

Dvorko, Anastasiya Vladimirovna — Student of Master Programme, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg,;

The scientific supervisor — A.A. Nikonova, Candidate of Science in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of museum work and protection of monuments at the Saint Petersburg State University;

Shuper, Olga Olegovna — Student of Master Programme, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg,;

The scientific supervisor — A.A. Nikonova, Candidate of Science in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of museum work and protection of monuments at the Saint Petersburg State University.

The following paper is a collective student work on identifying current trends in exposition design, presented in a series of online conferences “zooMuseum: Curatorial Debates. Three conversations about the design features of museum expositions and exhibitions” held by The Vladimir K. Arseniev Museum of Far East History. The authors identify the peculiarities of organizing and holding panel meetings in the format of debates, analyse a non-standard approach and potential opportunities for using this form of professional communication in online projects, as well as the prospect of their adaptation for educational purposes.
Key words: Museum community, curatorial debates, professional communication, exposition, museum design.


  Ananiev V.G. [Review of:] Balash A.N. Informal Museology: Museum and Museum Practices in the Contemporary Culture. Saint-Petersburg: SPbGIK Press, 2022. 160 p. ISBN 978–5–94708–339–2 — 153 (Rus.)

Ananiev, Vitaly Gennadievitch — Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation,

The review is devoted to the monograph by Alexandra N. Balash “Informal museology: Museum and museum practices in the contemporary culture” (Saint-Petersburg, 2022, in Rus.). The monograph examines current trends in modern foreign museology. The five chapters of the book are devoted to such issues as museology and the study of new materiality, the agency of museum collections, representation and performativity in the museum, the ecologization of the museum, the aura and authenticity of the museum experience. The author of the review emphasizes the high academic level of the work under review and its importance for contemporary Russian museology. As a controversial issue, the author of the review highlights the question of the definition of “informal museology”.                                                                                                        Key words: museology, informal museology, new materiality, authencity, ecologization, agency, museum.


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